Alcohol Interventions

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Alcohol Interventions

Once alcoholism is recognized in loved ones, it can be difficult to approach them and motivate them to seek the treatment they need. Since alcoholism is difficult for many sufferers to recognize or even admit to, using an alcohol intervention is often the best course of action to not only make individuals aware of their affliction but help them get the treatment they need in order to overcome it.

Signs of Alcoholism and Dependence

Alcoholism is one of the most severe drinking problems because affected individuals develop physical, emotional, and mental dependence on alcohol that affects their everyday lives. There are two main stages of alcoholism: tolerance and withdrawal. Both of these are severe indicators of a drinking problem and mean that affected individuals need to seek treatment right away.

Tolerance – When a person requires more alcohol in order to feel “buzzed” or even drunk, they have started to build up a tolerance to alcohol. Tolerance is an indicator of alcoholism since the body takes weeks or even months to build up a high tolerance to the normal effects alcohol creates.

Withdrawal – If an individual wakes up in the morning shaking and needs a drink in order to stop it, they have already developed a severe physical dependence on alcohol. Since the body relies on alcohol in order to function, a few hours can create severe and even life-threatening withdrawal symptoms that include:

  • Anxiety
  • Sweating
  • Shakes
  • Nausea with or without vomiting
  • Inability to sleep
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Loss of hunger
  • Headaches

Most individuals who suffer from alcoholism are in denial. They will say that they can quit drinking any time they want, that they do not drink every day, that it is not a problem, or offer other rationalizations for their drinking. At first, most loved ones will ignore these symptoms as a phase, but as the signs and symptoms increase, the issue goes beyond the point that the individual can admit they have a problem.

The Intervention Process

At, we help you and your loved ones prepare for the intervention process. It is extremely important that an intervention is conducted properly, which means the individual approached is not threatened or feels as though he or she has failed. We encourage groups of family members, friends, spouses, children, coworkers, and even physicians to join the intervention. Our step-by-step guide will help you coordinate the intervention and lead it by letting the individual know he or she has support, is loved, and has a treatable disease.

The intervention process can be difficult and even awkward for some individuals involved, which is why our team of intervention specialists will help you and your intervention group prepare before the intervention occurs. We will show you how to act, speak, and help coax your loved one into therapy, without making him or her feel pressured or attacked.